Saturday, December 29, 2007

Classroom update

arrrrgghhh!! Hubby and I stayed up til nearly 2am assembling the 'classroom' furniture last night. The shelves were my favorite part....a measurement got done wrong when he chose the shelf and they don't fit....only like 1-2 inches off, but nothing to do...we moved them all around the room tried every which way to redo our orginal plan...but it just won't work...which means they have to be disassembled and driven back to IKEA (about 45+ away)...arrgghhh.....and they don't have another one that fit like we had wanted so we are tweaking our plan once again....hubby sat down last night and lamented "we don't have any idea what we are doing do we?" in our frustration with the furniture the reality of the overwhelming nature of this whole homeschooling thing struck...are we NUTS??!! Most would have told you years ago the answer to that question is a resounding YES! But what are we doing....we had 7 hours every day without the kids and I got to go to the grocery store, run errands, etc....what am I thinking??!!

Actually I know exactly what Im thinking SEVEN HOURS a day where I'm not with them to be the main influence and SEVEN HOURS A DAY where I have no control of their discipline, what they learn, who teaches them, etc etc....Yep...starting to breathe again just remembering exactly why we made this choice to begin with.

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