Friday, November 13, 2009

about time

So looking over my blog I got sad. Really.

somehow this blog became about cooking and kids, school activities, etc All fine and good things....but the man who makes every single bit of that possible only gets an occassional mention.

Total injustice to an outstanding man!

Tour de Georgia 040b

My husband is amazing! He is good and kind. He is passionate about his family. He's so totally fun to be around! He can make me laugh when I'm in a downright horrid mood, and he somehow patiently puts up with me on those days. He quit his job and started his own business so he could be with the kids more instead of just dinner and bathtime. He wanted to have a bigger influence on their lives and to create memories to last their lifetime. I married a man who is more driven on seeing his family in heaven then a he is seeing his family in the finest clothes, in a big house with expensive things, etc How was I so blessed?? Oh wait...I remember I blogged about that a while back (maybe I'm not SO bad)

I love how he reads to our kids after dinner and listening to all the fun voices he creates for each character. I love how he insisted on changing all the diapers in the first couple weeks of MaryKyle's (our oldests) life and he took off a month of work just before John Mark turned one so that he could have some Daddy kid bonding time. I love to watch him snuggle babies!

He loves bicycling and in the picture above he took the kids all around North Georgia watching Lance Armstrong in the Tour de Georgia. They had a ball...all 3 of them, and is a memory the kids still talk about. It was a Daddy kid time...Mommy wasn't there. He had them all day long, including them in something that he liked instead of seeing them as a nuisance. He does the same for them. This year he was asked to coach JohnMark's little league team. He knew almost nothing about baseball and certainly not about coaching. What he knew is that John Mark had an interest in baseball. He's really good at research and studied how to best go about it and wasn't afraid to ask questions. I was recently told by one of the other team Mommies that he was the 'best coach they'd ever had' why? Because he never lost his cool, never raised his voice in frustration....and taught. He never considered anyone the underdog and assumed they didn't have the skill. he worked with every kid and his goal was to teach each boy something that season. He's such a wonderful Daddy to our children!!

He is amazing!! Truly....amazing!!

and mine...all mine!


Laura at By the Bushel said...

Tears of happiness are in my eyes, what a blessing, and that you see him as such. :) Have a wonderful weekend, hope you made it thru, the 12 days of crafts! LOVE that you made the name tags before... but think it's wonderful to hear about such the amazing man in your life.

Andysbethy said...

Beautifully said.
I especially like the last line!