Sunday, June 20, 2010

To My Daddy!

today is Father's Day and although it's been a good day for us here in Honduras I still miss spending the afternoon with my Daddy.  We usually get Subway and go over to their house and have a picnic or something like that.  My Daddy loves so does my son!!
(my parents in 1968)

ISince my garden is now producing (and thankfully being well tended by neighbors) I know we'd be chatting veggies and I'd be out walking on his property arm and arm seeing how his apples, blueberries, blackberries, veggies, azaleas and more were doing!!
So although I'm very happy to be here....I miss my Daddy.  So today, I wanted to let him know it.  So Daddy:

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!! I love you and think you are the very best Daddy in the whole world!!  

-Thanks for serving/leading our family the way you did and continue to do; with love, prayerfulness, & Godliness!!  It is so easy for me to have a picture of my heavenly Father because of what an amazing earthly Father I was blessed to have!
-Thanks for showing me what a husband should be like!  
-Thanks for showing me how to love and treat my children and telling me many times a day how much you loved me.  
-Thank you for the discipline and setting expectations!   
-Thank you for never making me feel like you wished you'd had a son and calling me your "favorite youngest daughter!" 
-Thank you for teaching me things like how to change my oil/tire, how to tie a square knot, and how to start a camp fire!  
-Thank you for caring that I presented myself modestly and in a Godly manner in the world.  
-Thank you for the date nights and showing me how I deserved to be treated.  
-Thank you for being involved in my life and showing interest in what I was interested in at any given time!
-Thank you for leading me around your yard and showing me all of your lovely plants, and sharing your immense knowledge!!!  
-Thank you for loving my Mother whole heartedly and showing it constantly!!!  I never EVER doubted that and that was such a blessing when hearing friends talk of their parents! Still is!!
-Thank you for working nights in your workshop to build my recipe box that made me look forward to the day when I was cooking in my own kitchen and made me feel grown up and respected.  
-Thank you for throwing the TV away when I was 5 and sitting down at night for games together and devotionals!
-Thank you for never raising your voice or acting in anger!
-Thank you for trusting me to make my own decisions as I got older and helping guide me lovingly but without pushing me.
-Thank you for making the sacrifice to send me to ACS when you saw me drowning at MHS.
-Thank you for trusting me when Thad and I got engaged and welcoming him into the family!
-Thank you for all the guidance and support and love you give us every day
-Thank you for loving my children and being an wonderful example for them! Also for teaching them the things you are passionate about.

just THANK YOU Daddy!! I love you and appreciate you every day. I just can not thank you or God enough for all that you mean to me and have done for me!!! I love you and look forward to seeing you next week!!!

1 comment:

Laura at By the Bushel said...

what a sweet tribute. HOpe you are well friend- looking forward to the fall. May God bless you all while you are in Honduras.