Thursday, December 27, 2007

In the Beginning....

...there were a Mommy and Daddy who decided that what was best for their children was to withdraw them from their schools and begin the adventure of homeschooling. This blog is really just for me, I'm doubting anyone will really ever read it...but I thought it would be good for me to look back on and see where we've been and where we are going. Will we make it or fail miserably? If others ever read this...I have no real plan for this blog. In all honesty I just don't really know what I'm doing in this whole homeschool adventure. I have looked for other blogs from Mother's but they all seem to know just what they are doing and have it all together...I so don't...maybe one day someone will think that of me, huh??

but here's the deal...In the end of my life I pray that I can say I have done all I could to raise my children to be happy, healthy people who serve God in everything and strive to improve the world around them and share the love of Christ with all they come in contact with. So homeschooling is one way we see of helping mold these wonderful gifts from God into the adults we pray for them to be. I will surely make mistakes...probably daily...I will be lazy some days, I will get frustrated, I will get overwhelmed, but I will hopefully not give up on my goal...I pray that one day God looks at me and says "She Hath Done What She Could." Because what I'm striving to do, through any measure that is available to me is to raise my children to love Him, share Him, & be kind, respectful, loving human beings! goes nothing....preparing myself for a bumpy ride....

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I haven't taken the time to read through all of your blog, but enough to know that I want to read more. May God continue to bless you as you continue to follow His leading in the education of your children and the rest of your life!