Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!

THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE...I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!! Psalms 118:24
Well it's Saturday and we have friends for the weekend and thus the kids are having a BALL and we aren't hearing "what can I do?" or anything like that as we try to get stuff ready and together for our trip. they found some critters....

hmm....notice the black and white dog?

remember the crying daughter?
yep that's the stray....or that WAS the stray

Her name is "Cookie"

we often call her "the cat" because she acts more like a cat than a dog

Yep, we're mush!!

the kids found a few early blueberries and divided them up for a mid-morning snack!


too bad these will be ready to pick, as hubby says "right about the time we are loading the plane"

In that regard: Emilee tell Kelsey they can enjoy blueberry muffins, pancakes, coffee cake, ice cream.....whatever their heart desires....and we MIGHT just have some blackberries this year back there too...we'll see, it's their first crop so not sure how many we'll get this year)

yep it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!! I pray your day is as full of happy noises and faces as mine!!



Laura at By the Bushel said...

We'll be by to get some berries, :) but will be thinking of you while your gone! Praying for a great trip.

The Claunch Family said...

So nice to be reminded by small things how wonderful our lives really are!